Building from sources

Orion Context Broker reference distribution is CentOS 6.x. This doesn't mean that the broker cannot be built in other distributions (actually, it can). This section also includes indications on how to build in other distributions, just in the case it may help people that don't use CentOS. However, note that the only "officially supported" procedure is the one for CentOS 6.x; the others are provided "as is" and can get obsolete from time to time.

Note: the build includes both contextBroker binary and proxyCoap. If you are not interested in proxyCoap at all, you can disable it just commenting out the following line in the CMakeList.txt file:


and removing the following files:


In that case, you can also ignore all the steps in the building process marked as "(Optional proxyCoap)"

CentOS 6.x. (officially supported)

The Orion Context Broker uses the following libraries as build dependencies:

We assume that EPEL6 repository is configured in yum, given that many RPM packages are installed from there (check the procedure at

The basic procedure is as follows (assuming you don't run commands as root, we use sudo for those commands that require root privilege):

The Orion Context Broker comes with a suite of valgrind and end-to-end tests that you can also run, following the following procedure (optional):

You can generate coverage reports for the Orion Context Broker using the following procedure (optional):

You can generate the RPM for the source code (optional):


If you have build orion in a system different from CentOS 6.x, don't hesitate to tell us and contribute to expand this section. Probably the best way if doing a pull request to modify this file with the new information. Thanks!

Debian 7

The packages are basically the same described for RedHat/CentOS above, except that we need to install packages using apt-get instead of yum.

Install Google Test and Google Mock version 1.5 directly from sources.

The version of lcov that comes with Debian 7.0 (1.9) has a bug (see Install lcov 1.10 from sources.