Known limitations

Request maximum size

The current maximum request size in Orion Context Broker is 1 MB. This limit should suffice the most of the use cases and, at the same time, avoids denial of service due to too large requests. If you don't take this limitation into account, you will get messages such the following ones:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <reasonPhrase>Payload Too Large</reasonPhrase>
    <details>payload size: 1500748</details>

Or, if you are sending a huge request, this one:

  <head><title>Internal server error</title></head>
  <body>Some programmer needs to study the manual more carefully.</body>

(Please ignore the "Some programmer needs to study the manual more carefully" text. Developers of the HTTP library in which Orion Context Broker is based seem to be funny guys :) :)

If you find this 1MB limit too coarse, send us an email so we can consider your feedback in future releases.

Notification maximum size

Notification maximum size is set to 8MB. Larger notifications will not be sent by context broker and you will get the following trace in the log file:

HTTP request to send is too large: N bytes

where N is the number of bytes of the too large notification.

Content-Length header is required

Orion Context Broker expects always a Content-Length header in all client requests, otherwise the client will receive a "411 Length Required" response. This is due to the way the underlying HTTP library (microhttpd) works, see details in this email thread in the microhttpd mailing list.