
Apart from HTTP notifications, Orion is able to notify using MQTT. In this case, a MQTT message is published in a given MQTT broker specified at subscription time each time a notification is triggered.

From an operational point of view, MQTT subscriptions are like HTTP ones, as described in this section of the documentation and in the NGSIv2 specification (e.g. the notification payload is the same, you can set an expiration date, a filtering expression, etc.) but they use mqtt instead of http in the notification object.

"notification": {
  "mqtt": {
    "url": "mqtt://<mqtt_host>:1883",
    "topic": "sub1"

The following elements can be used within mqtt:

  • url to specify the MQTT broker endpoint to use. URL must start with mqtt:// and never contains a path (i.e. it only includes host and port)
  • topic to specify the MQTT topic to use
  • qos: to specify the MQTT QoS value to use in the notifications associated to the subscription (0, 1 or 2). This is an optional field, if omitted then QoS 0 is used.

Custom notifications

Custom notifications (described in the NGSIv2 specification) in MQTT subscriptions work the same as in HTTP subscriptions, taking into account the following:

  • mqttCustom is used instead of httpCustom
  • headers and qscannot be used, as they doesn’t have equivalence in MQTT
  • Macro replacement is performed in topic and payload fields. url and qos are fixed values

Connection management

The endpoint of the MQTT broker associated to a subscription is specified in the url field at subscription time, but the connection to it is done first time a MQTT notification is published.

Once established, connection is kept opened while it is being used, i.e. MQTT notifications are published. If a connections is not used (i.e. no MQTT is published) Orion will close it after a predefined keepalive time (specified with the -mqttMaxAge CLI parameter, one hour by default).

MQTT cheatsheet

The following commands can be useful to test and debug MQTT notifications (using mosquitto_sub and mosquito_pub).

To subscribe with QoS 2:

mosquitto_sub --disable-clean-session --id 1 -q 2 -d -h <host> -p 1883 -t '#'

To create a shared subscription (cluster name “g1”)

mosquitto_sub -h <host> -p 1883 -t '$share/g1/#'

To publish using TLS (not yet supported by Orion, pending on this issue):

mosquitto_pub -d --insecure --cafile file.pem -h <host> -p 1883 -u <username> -P <password> -t '/topic' -m 'payload'